They do see us as a threat and actively try to take action and publicity to try and negate our positive effect on the market.

[Sun's workstations enabled buyers to lower costs and boost efficiency just at a time -- the recession-plagued early '80s -- when cost cutting and increased efficiencies were imperative.] In hard times big companies stop investing in R&D, ... That opens doors.

The gift is really the programming and the content Sirius delivers versus just going out and buying a gadget.

We have never made it a secret that we allow commercials on talk channels.

We are now growing at a faster rate, and we feel it is due to the programming.

No terrestrial radio station can provide the 125 channels of programming that we offer, including the 68 channels of commercial-free music. It's apples and oranges.

You can't prohibit them, but you can control them.