28 quotes about assumption follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The 2006 budget is built on the assumption that NPB will collect $52 million.

Danita Rodibaugh

It's almost a naive assumption to make.

Andrew Pyle

The assumption is questions have been answered and everyone agrees.

David Lake

The assumption is that you're comfortable with the Internet and e-mail already.

Steve Swasey

You can't make that assumption about 'we' being the losers.

Ron Rash

The assumption is that if choice is good, more choice is better. That's not necessarily true.

Barry Schwartz

It's a very bold assumption that 2011 spending will be $38 billion less than it was in 2006.

Brian Reidl

I am going on the assumption we will be able to market our fruit. The fruit has bloomed and set.

Stan Carter

The assumption right now is that wild birds are vectors.

Mark Shieldcastle

Probably a pretty accurate assumption.

Cynthia Price

This is an assumption but a very serious assumption.

Alex Gilady

We were all under the assumption that everything was put to bed over this.

John Hanlon

It's an interesting assumption, but in this case it is not correct.

Len Mead

I want them to live on the assumption that they won't play another game.

Charles Sims

You proceed from a false assumption: I have no ego to bruise.

Leonard Nimoy

There wasn't a trail that led to an assumption of (Nevin) trying to influence anything.

Michael Gill

The assumption is that you don't have as much to view as other folks do.

Steve Swasey

Society is based on the assumption that everyone is alike and no one is alive.

Hugh Kingsmill

I was under the assumption that you were going to bring a plan.

Chip Gramke

Cannot operate on that assumption.

Richard Garcia

It's an asinine assumption, a red herring.

Kyle Hupfer

I think that's a pretty good assumption, but we'll have to see what we find.

Tom Pickard

It is a safe assumption.

Carol Levine

We are operating under the assumption that they will extend.

Jay Dawson

This is just a rough assumption based on the figures we have.

Jim Pedderson

The assumption that everybody wants a bundle is flawed.

Maribel Lopez

I don't want to do something with the assumption that it's going to create all this work for the BZA.

Mayor Rob Lederer

There's an assumption that executives are there to do the right thing.

Al Gini