We're bringing in reserve deputies in order to maintain a presence heavy enough to, we hope, deter unsafe driving practices.

There are some very suspicious circumstances surrounding these fires.

There was an incident involving the escort of this young lady, and that's what's being investigated.

They talked with people who knew the victim to find out if he had any visitors recently. The people they spoke with led them straight to the suspects. It's an example of excellent interviewing by our deputies.

They'll be taking their own provisions and will be going down there to assist as law enforcement officers. They've asked for our help.

We believe an arsonist is involved. We're meticulously working the evidence found at the scene.

One of the suspects may have been acting in a vengeful way to make right a past wrong he believed the victim had inflicted on his family.

We can empathize with our own law enforcement brothers. I don't think we could ever compare our tragedy to their catastrophe.