There may also be some showers and thunderstorms through Sunday. Keep the winter gear handy.

We definitely have more winter to go. It's only a matter of time before the weather changes and we get a storm off the Pacific.

Out on the waters, it's going to be a messy couple days.

The fact that this cold air is coming in the early part of March is quite remarkable. It is fairly late in the season. It is pushing the envelope on the weather we get in this area.

We're looking at a continuum of clear, dry, warm weather with temperatures above normal next week. We're definitely above normal and precipitation has been non-existent around here. It's real good weather to go to the beach.

Both storms are going to add up to quite an amount of rainfall, some of the heaviest rains we have seen so far this season.

We'll have a bit of a break here, we're not expecting any storms of the magnitude we saw over the holiday weekend.

There is the chance that the totals will catch up in the next few months, but it's gradually tapering off from here on out.

The combination of the two will result in the possibility of heavy rains and high winds, mainly focusing Sunday night and into Monday in the North Bay.