Those are the same sandbags our garbage collectors will probably be picking up this week.

They've worked their buns off, ... What wasn't noticed in all this was the preplanning we did kept a lot of the flooding down. We spent three days before the hurricane made landfall going through all the ditches in town, pulling out shopping carts, basketballs, leaves and trash. That helped a lot.

We've got to stop government growth (and get it) under control before too long, or it's going to turn upside down.

School was kind of canceled today.

The problem with this program is its premise that the state's central bureaucracy should control all facilities construction.

It looks good on the surface, but it is going to hurt people trying to get their first job and hurt the unskilled workers that can least afford to get hurt. It will price them out of the job market and put them on welfare and then it will cost all of us.

The sun came up Sunday and the rakes started flying. I drove all over town and that's all I saw was people cleaning up their yards.