I was delighted to be invited to the Dutch Consulate in Edinburgh to receive their medal from Michael Hughes, the Dutch Consul.

I really think we do a pretty good job of working with pesticides in this country and that's one of the reasons I'm not particularly concerned.

Up until that point, every computer was one of a kind. They were really in it as a business to make a bunch of these.

Families entrust the elderly to these facilities for 24-7 care. When the care is neglectful and that leads to all this suffering and problems, the family feels betrayed.

Up until that point, every computer was one of a kind.

In an era of rising energy costs, the results of the first P3 competition should make people sit up and take notice. In last year's competition, four student projects became new businesses with clients, two of them marketing energy monitoring systems.

The Univac introduced the use of the magnetic tape drive to be -- for its time -- a high-volume I/O mechanism.