I really don't think we're in the same position as Arizona or New Mexico because Operation Gatekeeper has been very effective.

I think these efforts really have been totally overwhelmed by the pervasive endemic corruption throughout the Mexican government, the Mexican police and now the Mexican military.

What you see is major Democratic elected officials in the state of California supporting this Republican governor.

It would be very difficult ... for me to vote to confirm someone whom I knew would overturn Roe v. Wade, because I remember ... what it was like when abortion was illegal in America ... As a college student at Stanford, I watched the passing of the plate to collect money so a young woman could go to Tijuana for a back-alley abortion. I knew a woman who killed herself because she was pregnant.

An inflated balloon -- impressive to look at but hollow at the core and easily punctured.

Do you believe that the right to privacy applies to the beginning of life and the end of life?

If he is going to go to war in a nation whose history shows it has never had a democracy -- it has rival tribes, it has minorities that often are antagonistic -- how we're going to create a government that's going to work and function and bring about a democracy after we've destroyed the infrastructure of the country?

The will and the culture of this nation in ways that are everlasting and profound.