We're as concerned with her compliance (with the $200,000 bail) as we are with anyone else who killed five people. -Joe Owmby


We're as concerned with her compliance (with the $200,000 bail) as we are with anyone else who killed five people.

-Joe Owmby


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This quote is just one of 5 total Joe Owmby quotes in our collection. Joe Owmby is known for saying 'We're as concerned with her compliance (with the $200,000 bail) as we are with anyone else who killed five people.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We're as concerned with her compliance (with the $200,000 bail) as we are with anyone else who killed five people.

Joe Owmby

The only mitigating circumstance in this case is, we know she did suffer from a mental illness. That did not necessarily excuse her conduct or criminal responsibility, but we did take that into account.

Joe Owmby

He is a cold-blooded, remorseless individual who could have contributed to society, but decided to take the lives of two people who were important to a lot of people just by being who they were - hardworking people who drove cabs and lived good lives in Houston.

Joe Owmby

We're ready to go to trial. We think the judge made the correct decision.

Joe Owmby