The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own. -Willa Sibert Cather


The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own.


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This quote is just one of 7 total Willa Sibert Cather quotes in our collection. Willa Sibert Cather is known for saying 'The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Most of the basic material a writer works with is acquired before the age of fifteen.

Willa Sibert Cather

When kindness has left people, even for a few moments, we become afraid of them, as if their reason had left them.

Willa Sibert Cather

Some people's lives are affected by what happens to their person or their property; but for others fate is what happens to their feelings and their thoughts -- that and nothing more.

Willa Sibert Cather

The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one's own.

Willa Sibert Cather

Old men are like that, you know. It makes them feel important to think they're in love with somebody.

Willa Sibert Cather