She can curse right and she looks as though she's eaten French food before. -Julie Powell


She can curse right and she looks as though she's eaten French food before.


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This quote is just one of 5 total Julie Powell quotes in our collection. Julie Powell is known for saying 'She can curse right and she looks as though she's eaten French food before.' as well as some of the following quotes.

It first appealed to me as a book rather than a cookbook. I was a real bookworm and it just seemed sort of mysterious and adult and slightly dangerous.

Julie Powell

She can curse right and she looks as though she's eaten French food before.

Julie Powell

I was painted into a corner. I was completely lost -- I didn't know what I was going to do. I wanted to learn to cook. ... It wasn't until the project was nearly done that I really understood that what I was trying to do was figuring out a new way of living and finding new experiences in life.

Julie Powell

I graduated from college with a major in fiction writing, and then I spent years and years and years just writing and not ever finishing anything and really falling into the black hole of self-loathing.

Julie Powell