Policies need to be established inside companies. -Shane Coursen


Policies need to be established inside companies.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Shane Coursen quotes in our collection. Shane Coursen is known for saying 'Policies need to be established inside companies.' as well as some of the following quotes.

It's really easy to get this thing. The exploit will even work through a DOS box.

Shane Coursen

But we don't get down and dirty and talk about individual lines of code in our products.

Shane Coursen

Obviously meant to make money.

Shane Coursen

Generally, what we've seen is a form of compartmentalization, from the top down.

Shane Coursen

The life that we had with the so-called pranksters instead of the pros is likely to end, ... If you exist as a business on the Internet, you should be greatly concerned.

Shane Coursen