Most of these artists are not well-known. To see them together in one show is beautiful and powerful. -Riva Lehrer


Most of these artists are not well-known. To see them together in one show is beautiful and powerful.


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This quote is just one of 2 total Riva Lehrer quotes in our collection. Riva Lehrer is known for saying 'Most of these artists are not well-known. To see them together in one show is beautiful and powerful.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Most of these artists are not well-known. To see them together in one show is beautiful and powerful.

Riva Lehrer

Our goal was to put together a show that would raise the profile of the vigorous quality of this work. And to try and change the perception about disability and its connection with art and artists while also making this work part of the larger arts conversation.

Riva Lehrer