If anyone goes beyond the boundaries of peaceful protest and in any way causes disorder in this community, we will be completely prepared to take action. -Alex Penelas


If anyone goes beyond the boundaries of peaceful protest and in any way causes disorder in this community, we will be completely prepared to take action.


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This quote is just one of 7 total Alex Penelas quotes in our collection. Alex Penelas is known for saying 'If anyone goes beyond the boundaries of peaceful protest and in any way causes disorder in this community, we will be completely prepared to take action.' as well as some of the following quotes.

If anyone goes beyond the boundaries of peaceful protest and in any way causes disorder in this community, we will be completely prepared to take action.

Alex Penelas

Were a very clear manifestation of 41 years of persecution, 41 years of having loved ones perishing in the straits of Florida, 41 years of violations of human rights and years and years of separation of family members.

Alex Penelas

To assist the federal government in any way, shape or form to inappropriately repatriate Elian Gonzalez to Cuba.

Alex Penelas

An impenetrable type of industry can in fact be penetrated, if you have good legal arguments. I think that's what the tobacco lawsuit brought to this case.

Alex Penelas

Express those emotions with violence, they must not express them with civil disorder, or any fashion that infringes on the rights of others.

Alex Penelas