By not lingering on any of the dangers for too long, that also makes it appealing to a child. You keep going and, in the end, everything's fine. -Leslie Fields


By not lingering on any of the dangers for too long, that also makes it appealing to a child. You keep going and, in the end, everything's fine.


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This quote is just one of 2 total Leslie Fields quotes in our collection. Leslie Fields is known for saying 'By not lingering on any of the dangers for too long, that also makes it appealing to a child. You keep going and, in the end, everything's fine.' as well as some of the following quotes.

By not lingering on any of the dangers for too long, that also makes it appealing to a child. You keep going and, in the end, everything's fine.

Leslie Fields

Imagine a child sitting down with that large book. You can sort of absorb yourself into the book.

Leslie Fields