And so he represents a sea change. -Michael Oren


And so he represents a sea change.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Michael Oren quotes in our collection. Michael Oren is known for saying 'And so he represents a sea change.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Every single attempt has never achieved national dominance of the political system and the reason because they don't have the deep roots in the Israeli ideological system.

Michael Oren

And so he represents a sea change.

Michael Oren

It convinced us that Gaza was not worth holding on to and awakened us to the demographic danger. It took two intifadas for a majority of Israelis to decide that Gaza is not worth it.

Michael Oren

If this thing goes off with fairly few hitches, it means it could go smoothly in the West Bank, as well. It will create a precedent that Israel, with very little resistance, removed settlers and redrew its borders.

Michael Oren

(Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon is a genius. He is giving the world a taste of what Palestinian sovereignty will look like. It will be chaotic. The Palestinians will find it very difficult to manage.

Michael Oren