8 quotes about voracious follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Ego has a voracious appetite, the more you feed it, the hungrier it gets.

Nathaniel Bronner Jr.

While voracious consumer spending has helped maintain overall economic strength, companies are still hampered by stiff pricing competition from abroad, ... The inability to raise prices has cut into corporate profits, which, in turn, has most certainly contributed to increased job cutting.

John Challenger

They have a voracious appetite...The moment they hit that water they're looking for something to eat.

Bill Horan

He's a voracious consumer of information, and he's open to ideas. It's ultimately about him being right in the end, not just about him being right.

Dara Khosrowshahi

There's a voracious appetite for capital at all levels in the Chinese market. It's a huge market.

Steve Nelson

Caroline is a voracious reader. She loves to read. If I was going to make a movie, I'd ask Caroline to read it first.

Jane Thorne

People are witnessing how interested consumers are in experiencing digital music, consuming it that way, and having the convenience of consuming it that way. It's a quickly growing, voracious audience.

Dannielle Romano

I want to find a voracious, small-minded predator and name it after the IRS.

Robert Bakker