7 quotes about upholds follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This ruling upholds California's authority to enforce tough restrictions on handing out free cigarettes, particularly in places where children are present.

Tom Dresslar

The European Union upholds the values on which it was founded. Freedom of expression is one of those values, but this must be within the boundaries of respect for the religious beliefs and cultural sensitivities of others.

Josep Borrell

We've had the pleasure of being part of the growth of the greater St. Louis and St. Charles counties over the last 20 years. The power of the Prudential name and brand, and the reputation it upholds, is what led us to our affiliation. Along with the brand, we found a wealth of resources in marketing, technology and personnel recruitment, all of which have added immense value to our operations.

Patrick Mclaughlin

A decision to stop (the visits) to achieve specific progress in East Asian diplomacy is possible, but he has his own particular philosophy that he upholds.

Tomoyuki Kojima

Why not have your nuclear bombs in your briefcase? All of these policies that America upholds, nuclear weapons, privatization, all of these things are going to mutate and metamorphosis into these dangerous things.

Arundhati Roy

I believe this really upholds the First Amendment and is sound educationally.

Charles Haynes

America cannot hold itself as a moral beacon to the world if it violates the rule of law by engaging in illegal spying, torture and secrecy. The ACLU is committed to making sure that our government complies with universally recognized human rights principles and upholds our Constitution.

Jamil Dakwar