19 quotes about trespassing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Around 11:04 p.m. Saturday, Lamont Carter, 28, of Hope, was arrested for criminal trespassing, public intoxication and loitering.

Jim Bush

For a crime like trespassing, there's typically a fine attached to that. So I pay my fine and I've paid my debt to society and now I'm 'legal' again.

Brent Wilkes

We haven't closed any trails, and we hope it doesn't come to that. But we are now issuing notices for certain 14ers: If you summit this peak, you are trespassing on private property.

Sara Mayben

He was loyal almost to a fault. He even shot at (Tobin's) husband and mine one night, believing they were trespassing.

Pat Boedecker

It's a last-ditch effort to divide us from their employees before the election on May 16. If we were trespassing, we'd be moved. If we were threatening people, we'd be arrested.

Jesse Case

I can only assume that whoever entered my property, while I was present in my home, and placed solicitation materials promoting a new community center on my car underneath the wiper blades is prepared to face potential charges of solicitation and trespassing.

Amy Caslow

About the best we've come up with is criminal trespassing, but I don't know if that'll fly. Maybe not a good choice of words, but he was on the outside of the building.

Attorney Dave Stengel

Every time you put in a residence, it has a shadow effect. Suddenly, places are off limits to hunting even if you're not trespassing.

Ron Nargang

The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them.

Tom Morris

We don't have too many problems once the signs go up. They know that if they are found in an area that is posted as no trespassing they are going to spend a night in jail.

George Kajtsa

I still think the person who served my sister that much alcohol is responsible. The railroad is responsible as well. There is nothing set up on that bridge. There's no ?no trespassing' signs. Anyone could get hurt there.

Jessie Slade

Students were aware that there was a risk of arrest for trespassing. That said, we certainly hoped that the university wouldn't respond to the students' actions by arresting them. We were in the midst of what we thought was good faith substantive dialogue.

Abby Bellows

They are violating university regulations. The field was posted with 'No trespassing' (signs) and the field was closed.

Barrie Hartman

The fact is, this building is posted, and they did not belong here. This was trespassing, entering a building that is not very safe. There's quite likely going to be charges.

Ron Reier

That way, if they come back, it's technically trespassing.

Nancy Bray

We feel very sorry for the family. It's a tragic circumstance. People should know that trespassing on a railroad [track] can have fatal consequences, as this incident so tragically points out.

Jon Shute

It's a bunch of baloney. There's bloody people all over these bloody mountains, and not a 'no trespassing' sign to be seen.

Keith Wood

Everybody is out of the closet except Christians. Satan has set up no trespassing signs and the problem is Christians are obeying them. We can serve God better together than we can segregated.

Alfonzo Surrett

He said we were the ones. It wasn't any kind of an official lineup. They took us in and charged us with trespassing.

Ryan Walker