14 quotes about tract follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I praise the Lord, the Sovereign of the royal realm, Who has extended his sway over the tract of the world.


You get low-level infection in your gut. You are then later in hospital, you are on antibiotics for other reasons, and a lot of the normal gut E coli get killed off. This one gets growing, and then you get a urinary tract infection and it has a resistant strain.

David Livermore

Grandma called it roughage, and fiber is a wonderful bulking agent that helps food move through the gastrointestinal tract. We all need it, we don't get enough of it and here's a great opportunity to add a few more grams of it to your diet.

Kathleen Zelman

We will do whatever is necessary to close down any loopholes, real or perceived. She wants to ensure that the original intent of the Empire Tract deed cannot be circumvented.

Sean Darcy

Our objective … will be to give everyone involved the ability to look at each and every tract (of land proposed for sale), to satisfy themselves if they want to, that these tracts are worthy of what we are proposing.

Mark Rey

It will probably be one of the last opportunities the district will have to purchase a large tract of land in an environmentally sensitive area.

Hector Herrera

We didn't want it to be too tract-home-like, we wanted this very charming and very sparsely populated neighborhood.

Will Scheffer

We had been accumulating clues that the glutamine tract expansion is clearly what is important for disease because that's the mutation. But we also concluded that there was something else beyond the glutamine that's really mediating the toxicity of the protein.

Huda Y. Zoghbi

We had known that the expansion of the glutamine tract within Ataxin-1 probably interfered with normal clearance of Ataxin-1, meaning that it accumulated in cells.

Huda Y. Zoghbi

Now try to separate that in your mind from a person who owns hundreds of acres of land, and is now extending a water main through that tract, and still hasn't really thought out exactly the project he's going to build. Why would the extension of that utility vest development rights at that time?

Frank Turner

The tract homes might be fueling a little bit more (of the growth) than the increase in the actual custom homes.

Chuck Ewings

Quite coincidentally, the first tract of Angolan land to experience totality was also within the path of the total solar eclipse of 2001, June 21.

Fred Espenak

A serious deterioration of his digestive tract was discovered after an examination and doctors decided to operate.

Ron Krumer

In the age where the eight-cylinder Buick, the grey flannel suit and the tract home represented wholesomeness, ... Semina was the ultimate unwholesome object, and we gloried in it.

Michael Mcclure