13 quotes about tampered follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There was some visible evidence that the bottles had been tampered with. We're cooperating fully with the investigation.

Mike Deangelis

It's our understanding that no other products were tampered with, but as a precaution, an employee at the store did remove all similar products from the shelf and replaced them with new products from their stock.

Sherry Llewellyn

We know a couple of games were tampered with. But did they throw the whole thing? I don't know.

Gene Carney

Our body is a well-set clock, which keeps good time, but if it be too much or indiscreetly tampered with, the alarm runs out before the hour.

Joseph Hall

I really feel an obligation to the students for safety and well-being. For example, if it looks like students have been smoking - and it has to be pretty clear - [or] if it looks like they've tampered with safety equipment or have covered up the smoke detectors, at that point I think I take a pretty strong stance.

Patrick Biddix

An emergency exit had been tampered with.

John Kelsch

From the point of view of security, I can encrypt an RFID tag. I can ensure that the tag has not been tampered with. But the tag itself is not going to do a lot to prevent a guy from penetrating the container.

John Hill

Their stuff has been locked up for a couple of days now. And we're confident nothing has been tampered with at this point.

Dave Neil

Ms. Currie was not listed to be deposed and was not on the witness list in the Jones case ... Ms. Currie then, was not a witness who could have been tampered with.

Abbe Lowell

I noticed nothing was tampered with. All my gas was apparently there from the night before.

Ryan Baker

It makes it really hard to show if their product has been tampered with, if it's a felony to inspect it.

Rebecca Mercuri

We are entirely satisfied that Stephen's parachute was deliberately tampered with.

Colin Andrews

I believe they may well, if they have been properly stored ? without access to outside people so they cannot be tampered with. Also in a refrigerator or deep frozen, ... If not in such a situation ? there's no guarantee they have not been subjected to undue temperatures.

Arne Ljungqvist