14 quotes about subsided follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The tragic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina continues to be an extraordinary challenge long after the daily front-page headlines have subsided.

Tom Staggs

The Web-presence frenzy that drove many of the global 2000 projects during the past year has subsided, ... Venture capital firms have become much more selective in their funding practices. Large companies are now taking a more deliberate approach to implementing Web strategies.

Stephen Mcclellan

Only about one percent of the historic habitat exists. Half of the (agricultural lands) have subsided so much that we can't restore them to wetlands -- if you flooded them, you'd just have deep water. But a 10 percent restoration is possible -- and that would be exponentially better than the situation we have now.

Robin Grossinger

There's a pre-season shift to examining gasoline because heating oil worries have subsided. Demand is pretty good for this time of year. The fall in prices seems to have led to increased consumption.

Jim Steel

We felt the same way, that we were losing because of our [training department], but once the emotions of the season subsided, we had to look at it objectively.

Stan Conte

The selling pressure has subsided a little bit.

Rick Klingman

When we started thinking that it was abnormal, it came. Then the bleeding subsided.

Linda Mcglade

The large managers have for some time now been unanimously confident with their business environment. Their smaller peers' confidence subsided in the fourth quarter of 2005 from 100 index points at the end of the third quarter. They are now back up to 98 index points.

Lesley Harvey

As tobacco has sort of subsided, we have had a number of farmers who have successfully gotten in the business of berries and small fruit.

Tim Woods

I think he's positioning himself for the future. Some of the fury will have subsided, and everyone will be a little more receptive to change. Unless there's a problem they're not addressing, I think all the sports that are in now should stay. For this vote I think the message is, Shape up or ship out.

Jim Easton

Right now it's subsided, but it doesn't mean there won't be someone to try to stir the pot.

Todd Bonlarron

Wage pressures seem to have subsided. However, ongoing solid growth and indications of price acceleration in certain segments of the economy could leave chief sleuth Greenspan with plenty of gum on his shoe.

Adam Blankman

After the immediate crisis has subsided, we will re-evaluate the need for this provision.

David H. Safavian

I think some of that sense that there's a lot going wrong in the business community and Wall Street has subsided.

Bob Chlopak