5 quotes about sinclair follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have received thousands of e-mails, people outraged by the very idea a company like Sinclair would direct stations to air a partisan film.

Wes Boyd

I believe (Sinclair) was the reason I passed AIMS.

Toni Williams

We brought two freshmen up (Jeff Sinclair is the other) because we thought they could contribute right away. I could kind of see the team blending together as the season went on.

Rich Falter

Sinclair Broadcast Group's broad reach enables us to penetrate pivotal markets, lending significant depth to our audience. We have officially realized one of the very first applications of the new digital technology, and more importantly, are using it to deliver truly innovative content to consumers starved for intelligent programming.

Les Garland

Most marketers will stick with Sinclair long-term as long as it serves their advertising purpose, ... But most will wish they hadn't been put in the line of fire.

John Rash