7 quotes about shutdowns follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

10 shutdown of machines or complete shutdowns of facilities in Eastern Canada.

Stephen Atkinson

The goal of this is multiple - to avoid unplanned shutdowns, improve operating efficiency and quality of the product, and to get at maintenance and make sure that the maintenance dollars are spent efficiently.

John Berra

The drawdown in crude inventories came at a time when refinery utilization remained low due to scheduled maintenance shutdowns.

Rakesh Shankar

Refinery shutdowns will have a big impact on gasoline prices, ... and that's a tax on consumers.

Joshua Shapiro

We certainly need to pump in the meantime, keep low pressure and conserve, but I don't believe there is any imminent threat to having to shut down the water supply. Some unforeseen event would have to occur before there are shutdowns.

Buller Mayor Martin Sawyers

The worst is yet to come, ... You're going to see more shutdowns.

Stephen Atkinson

We're here today to demand accountability and an end to government shutdowns. We're here to tell legislators that our public services are not for sale.

Eliot Seide