7 quotes about reviewers follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The celebrity reviewers are people we contacted who, on a genre-specific basis, we assumed would have an interest in doing this.

Justin Beckett

The site is where people go to apply to be guests reviewers and thus far about 27,000 have done so.

David Manilow

If the reviewers feel it needs immediate feedback, they may call it to the attention of one of the others and post it.

John Tippett

Each reviewer's salary is $100,000 at a rough estimate, so it could pay for a lot of reviewers. That's the biggest problem, the lack of people, and that's what creates the biggest time pressures.

Fran Hawthorne

Should reviewers have caught some of this? Yeah, probably they should have. Obviously great claims require great proof, and maybe more people should review such a paper.

John Gearhart

Reviewers must normally function as huff-and-puff artists blowing laggard theatergoers stageward.

Walter Kerr

Unlike other people, our reviewers are powerful because they believe in nothing.

Harold Clurman