Outbound protection requires a fairly high level of sophistication to engage, and reports indicate that Microsoft expects that functionality to be used by IT professionals in a business networking environment.

Laura Yecies

We're monitoring that, but we haven't really had any reports of flooding yet. It is a concern, though.

Jennifer Via

That particular report raised serious questions in my mind as to whether the published price reports accurately represented true market conditions. Market conditions affect how much money producers receive for their cattle.

Herman Schumacher

The earnings reports are going to be the big driver in the next few weeks. What companies say they earned in the fourth quarter is going to be less important than what they say about the rest of the year.

Ben Halliburton

Each time it happened we gave a heads-up to CIAC and the FBI. We never heard anything back. We just make the reports; what they do with the info after that is up to them.

Jim Toole

We monitored intelligence reports. There were no specific threats to the city of Detroit or any Super Bowl venue.

James Tate

We have a lot of reports from part-time faculty who tell us that they are very concerned that if they say something controversial, or if they are too hard on the students, they won't be rehired.

John Curtis

Based on the published reports and after a reasonable investigation, we think that discovery is going to show that AT&T has opened up its network to direct access by the NSA.

Kevin Bankston

I am extremely concerned at recent reports in the press about this case and would urge everybody to stop.

Nick Hardwick

We had a lot of bumpy reports in the second quarter and we shouldn't have. The economy and production were very strong in the second quarter, and earnings should have been on the upside. The fact that they weren't is an important signal.

Charles Clough

It is what I expected having read the reports in the media. I didn't think there was anything in the document that would embarrass the British government. I will be seeking the disclosure of the document in court.

Neil Clark

But today's main trading theme was earnings reports released the previous day.

Yumi Nishimura

During his tenure as police chief there were credible reports of summary executions of gang members by police.

Joanne Mariner

We knew they had trouble shooting from the outside. We had several reports about that. We decided just to go to the zone and see what happens.

Dan Stone

In order to determine the replacement cost of a home or commercial property, it?s imperative to have building characteristic information. By providing this crucial information we can help our customers gain a competitive-edge, by allowing them to get natural hazard risk reports and building characteristic information at the same time.

Dan Munson

Not all individual employers are going to enjoy all of the savings because of the number of accident reports about the employer and the risk factor in their company.

Susan Gard

If people are coming to work excited...if they're making mistakes freely and fearlessly...if they're having fun...if they're concentrating on doing things, rather than preparing reports and going to meetings...then somewhere you have a leader.

Robert Townsend

We have credible reports -- and this is coming from sources of friendly countries and our own -- that there are 10 suicide bombers being sent to the Philippines.

Norberto Gonzales

All the reports I keep getting is that it was a really good day.

Deborah Long

I was a little surprised and I'm wondering how they heard about us and where they got their information from. But I figure it's a win-win situation for us and a win-win situation for U.S. News and World Reports.

Dr. Huey Mills

It initially started with three classrooms ... but subsequent to that we got other reports in other parts of the buildings.

Kyle Bordelon

After verification, we found the reports concerning Ugandan incursions (into Congo) to be credible.

Kemal Saiki

He's had English-speaking guys on his pitching staff for 11 years. It's just he hasn't had to do pre-scouting reports with them before.

Ted Heid

I have nothing else to say about my client or this case. Some reports you can take as fact, but others, which have my client dancing down the steps of a courthouse, you have to take with a grain of salt.

Murray Richman

There seems to be no end to the reports that show Ireland to be at the bottom, or close to the bottom in terms of broadband. We need to learn from the Northern Ireland model and make moves on unbundling the local loop and generating more competition in the market.

Tom Hickey

He was famous for his snow reports. He was on the radio daily in the little communities. He was funny.

Mickey Blake

The currency is pretty steady, with markets remaining fairly thin with little economic data. We're awaiting deeper markets, plus the release of employment reports for both Canada and the U.S. next week.

Paul Ferley

ISM was overall a good report, but (investors) are staying on the sidelines until the jobs reports comes out.

Charmaine Buskas

Prior to any press reports of allegations linking the Sudanese gum arabic industry to Mr. Osama bin Laden.

Bob Menendez

This I not exactly what emerges from the reports of the (U.N. weapons inspection) commission, and I wonder whether he is not over-stepping his prerogatives.

Hubert Vedrine

Altering reports is fraud by the FDA itself.

Betty Martini

We've already had really good reports from Microsoft and Intel and those are the two most important suppliers to Dell. Both had upside surprises from their PC and server-related business.

Mark Stahlman

All too often, in the heat of the moment, reporters find themselves in the awkward position of repeating 'unconfirmed reports' as if they were news. But news without fact-checking is nothing more than glorified rumors.

David Emery

We do not know any more than what already has been made public by the press, and there are some conflicting reports so we are seeking to gather more accurate information on this incident.

Yasuo Fukuda

I'm getting reports on both sides. Some people are quite enthused about her and other people are very upset. The grass-roots are not happy, I can tell you that.

Paul Weyrich

Anything that can distract from it is good. The overall impact will last a long, long time. It will take the city itself five to 10 years to rebuild, despite the positive reports that are coming from the media.

Don Maestri

We, on an ongoing basis, get reports on all of our tires. We seek to evaluate those as fully as we can, and as quickly as we can. This situation was also the result of a process like that.

Ken Fields

This functionality is backed up by Windows Live features like centralized storage and it can be managed from anywhere. We've got Web-based activity reports so that you can keep an eye on what your family is doing online from any location.

Alan Packer

According to the ministry of health, there are no reports of human infection.

Jia Youling

We have heard the reports. It's become a very serious investigation on that facility.

Kris Wartelle

To the best of my knowledge and all the reports I have received this morning, it was a hoax. I called the zoo to verify and the gator is not there.

Ron Berkowitz

I read a great number of press reports and find comfort in the fact that they are nearly always conflicting.

Harold Macmillan

Katrina taught us we can't rely on cable news broadcasts and early written reports to give an accurate assessment of the loss.

Paul Mchale

Consumers should be sure to order their free credit reports through the centralized channels created by the new law or they may end up getting duped into paying for extra services, ... If consumers run into trouble getting their reports at no charge or have other problems, they should call the FTC's toll-free number -- 1-877-FTC-HELP -- for assistance.

Susanna Montezemolo

Our fears have been born out by the reports of several international humanitarian agencies, which have stated that these sanctions have stifled economic activity inside Afghanistan. New sanctions will compound the misery of the Afghan people.

Abdul Sattar

It is clear that parents of children attending government-owned schools in Colorado cannot rely on state reports to determine whether their children are safe. Parents deserve consistency and accuracy when it comes to the state's methods of compiling this important data. As of now, they get neither.

Bob Schaffer

Overall, we've seen the reports coming in line and guidance hasn't been horrible, it just hasn't been robust either.

Gint Rimas

There will be a complete reassessment - what worked, what didn't - because we will have moved an entire population back in. If it all looks good, we'll probably continue as planned, but we just don't know what these reports will show.

Sally Forman

Sometimes you get conflicting reports, but everyone is on the same page. And it's starting to show that everybody is coaching the same thing. You just have to listen to all the information and stick to the plan.

Bryan Gilmore

One of our main jobs in the current period is to strengthen cooperation with Chinese media. This kind of cooperation is expected to make our China reports more varied and more vivid. And there will be a bright future for business cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Arabic media.

Ezzat Shahrour

There?s a group of people that got together and essentially attacked the company by putting out false reports. And we?re just fighting back for our shareholders.

Eugene Melnyk

Sure, anytime a division commander reports C-4, we are concerned. We'll see what corrections need to be made.

Eric Shinseki

We've gotten good reports from a variety of companies, supporting the thesis that corporate earnings are going to increase in the double digits this year.

Eric Kuby

The hopes that you're going to have strong corporate earnings fuel the market to rally further are significantly damaged by the reports we've had so far.

Eric Kuby

But I can tell you that in any case like this with wide media coverage we would probably initiate an investigation based on media reports.

Erlinda Suarez

The bottom line is they [DYFS] don't like what the reports say, but our duty is to reveal this information no matter how unpleasant it is.

Eric Thompson

Everything has been calm and there have been no reports of injuries or incidents.

Ellen Morgan

Our testing shows a pattern of mercury levels being significantly higher than what the FDA reports.

Eli Saddler

From initial reports there are positive signals that the matter will soon be resolved amicably.

Ekiyor Welson

The idea of coup plotters sharing their plan to oust an incumbent president with a reporter is ludicrous. Nevertheless, such unfounded reports give the Philippines a negative image before the international community.

Eduardo Ermita

It is outrageous that inaccurate credit reports could damage one in four consumer's ability to buy a home, rent an apartment, obtain credit, open a bank account, or even get a job.

Ed Mierzwinski

In the past few days, Kyrgyz media have carried an increasing number of reports focusing on the role of the non-governmental sector and accusing it of serving U.S. interests and Western donors.

Edil Baisalov

Small investors left the market in droves last week on media reports the index is full of overvalued companies. They are pouring back in now as they see that was simply not true.

Edgar Jimenez

There's a huge amount of frustration among those who have to produce the reports. The guidelines that are out there are very challenging.

Ed Goble

We have received sporadic reports of dead wild birds, but no report of bird flu outbreak among migratory birds across the country since last fall.

Zhuo Rongsheng

People who trust me will not be swayed by what's been said about me, and for people who don't, no amount of good reports will persuade them.

Zhang Ziyi

People are going to be watching employment reports and other things very closely. It's our expectation that we're going to start seeing some improvement.

Zach Shafran

It is our hope that foreign correspondents in China make more coverage on that instead of making irresponsible conclusions or irresponsible reports on this question.

Zhang Qiyue