11 quotes about rendell follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

My mother remembers that after I filmed a Ruth Rendell mystery when I was about six or seven, I cried inconsolably for a day afterwards, because it was all over. I still feel very sad when things end, but I know that I'll probably meet up with people again at some point.

Nicholas Hoult

The Rendell-Swann celebrity 'horse race' will be a media fest. Regardless of the outcome, the people of Pennsylvania will lose again.

Jim Panyard

I feel like [Rendell] has forgotten the lower people.

Diane Byrne

Governor Rendell made this an absolute priority. During the Rendell administration the wheels have been in motion on this at a very brisk pace.

Patrick Fleming

Casey is not a good campaigner. That's why Rendell mopped up the floor with him. He's charisma challenged. He's not as quick witted as Santorum. He doesn't come off as well.

Robert Maranto

That's why Rendell mopped up the floor with him, ... He's charisma-challenged. He's not as quick-witted as Santorum. He doesn't come off as well.

Robert Maranto

The business community is troubled that the House has again acquiesced to organized labor and the Rendell administration on matters of bad public policy.

Floyd Warner

Swann has more of a buzz among Republican loyalists as someone who can challenge Rendell, and that never happened with Scranton.

Christopher Borick

Our biggest focus, obviously, is going to be Pennsylvania. But to raise the amount of money we'll need to raise to beat Rendell, we'll need to be raising money across the country.

Melissa Walters

For a governor who signed the despised legislative pay raise and saw his plan to use gambling money to lower property taxes go down in flames, Ed Rendell ought to be called Teflon Ed.

Clay F. Richards

Ours is not a race to compete dollar for dollar with Ed Rendell. Ours is a race to ensure that we have the necessary funds to mount the most competitive race possible.

Leonardo Alcivar