13 quotes about psychologists follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You need forensic mathematicians, artists and psychologists as well as scientists. We're learning a little bit about all of it.

Jeff Abraham

Forensic psychologists say he will do it again if he gets out.

Sue Young

We've got a crisis intervention team that comes in and this is comprised of professional psychologists, counselors from throughout the community that come in like a SWAT team, if you will, to help with all the emotional issues being dealt with.

Hugh Caumartin

This sort of detention policy is endangering American lives, ... Even the military psychologists there told me they had never seen an innocent person freed before four months of incarceration. I saw others there who were innocent. Of course, I saw some really bad guys, too.

Cyrus Kar

Many Iraqis believe that psychologists treat crazy people. For this reason, they don?t bring their children in for treatment.

Maruan Abdullah

Psychologists tell us that the mind will accept whatever the mind can grasp and will deny what is overpowering, and she may very well have been in a position of denial.

George Reres

Studying attractiveness has a long history. Since the 1970s, psychologists have shown that attractive people get better jobs. Attractive people are preferentially hired and promoted.

Ingrid Olson

She'll get the same medical treatment she received in the free world. We have psychologists and a psychiatrist to determine her treatment. The classification people will look over her medical, dental and psychological profiles.

Larry Todd

We want to err on the side of caution. We're not child psychologists so we don't know if there's a problem, but it may merit further action or intervention.

Tim Peters

Sociologists, psychologists, and other experts can give us all sorts of technical explanations, but we all know from experience that kids are best off when they have a mom and a dad.

Todd Akin

We study the injustices of history for the same reason that we study genocide, and for the same reason that psychologists study the minds of murderers and rapists... to understand how those evil things came about.

Jared Diamond

I think the child psychologists are well-intentioned and are speaking for a good number of children, but education is too complicated to be governed by black and white rules.

Richard Bavaria

It became apparent that Lionel was told what to say in the letter and to the psychologists.

Ellis Rubin