9 quotes about playwrights follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It's really a chance for playwrights to get to hear their plays read and to hear actor, director and audience reaction.

Tracy Brigden

It's really important that those two [Shakespeare and contemporary playwrights] are both under the same umbrella, ... By putting Shakespeare there, you are holding him up as a model of how big a playwright's ambitions can be.

Oskar Eustis

It's really important that those two (Shakespeare and contemporary playwrights) are both under the same umbrella.

Oskar Eustis

He's one of the most important American playwrights ever.

Rocco Landesman

His name has been on the list for a couple of years now. He's America's greatest living playwright and one of the playwrights of modern times.

Neil Baldwin

By increasing the size of the keyhole, today's playwrights are in danger of doing away with the door.

Peter Ustinov

One of the most important American playwrights ever. I think his work is going to speak to generation after generation of theatergoers.

Rocco Landesman

All playwrights should be dead for three hundred years.

Joseph L. Mankiewicz

We've gotten such nice feedback about the festival - some of it from professional playwrights, talking about how well respected it is.

Rich Smith