I'm very disappointed. I'm hoping we didn't peak too early. I guess we'll find out in the league meet.

Tim Busen

We took a peak at them a few times during camp, just as far as to see what we're dealing with. It doesn't [change anything, defensively speaking]. We're going to do what we're going to do, and their offense is going to do what it's going to do.

Ernest Hunter

I think this is a phenomenon that is really still peaking.

Erik Whiteford

Overall everybody peaked at the race they needed to peak at.

Elyah Gordon

We expected a close game tonight. Spanish Fork came in on a high after coming so close to beating Mountain View and beating Lone Peak in overtime. They needed this game.

Elizabeth Darger

A betting man would say that 2005 will end up being the peak of the cycle.

Elliott Pollack

It's hard to make a convincing case that we're reaching peak oil production. It's really a technology issue. The question is how quickly is technology going to advance and will it advance as quickly as demand.

Edward Murphy

I am extremely skeptical that we're looking at a peak oil perspective. We have tar sands, oil shale, advances in deep drilling. There's a lot out there.

Edward Murphy

The capacity of these hotels can by and large meet the demand of peak period in 2008.

Zhang Mao