10 quotes about peaches follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Peaches have been our backbone. They always will be.

David Richard Jones

This is a logical step and it's a good way to ensure year-round employment. Even before canker came around, going into peaches seemed like a good way to diversify their businesses.

Doug Bournique

Anytime you lose anything it's bad because, right now, you don't know how much. We feel like we'll have plenty of peaches, but we will just cut back on some of the wholesale.

Aaron Edwards

We snack all day long on berries from the field, peaches from the orchard.

Matt Jones

Peaches needed help and help wasn't given to her. Sometimes we can't look to ACS to always be there. We as a community have to be there.

Anthony Randolph

Our peaches are known for their high quality flavor and texture.

Martin Eubanks

My mom was already a U.S. citizen, and that made it easier for everybody else. But we were a family of laborers. We picked grapes, peaches, walnuts, almonds.

Cristina Correa

We came out here to get peaches every year.

Juanita Wolff

Hopefully, by August they'll be peaches.

Maxwell Norton

This orchard belongs to my mother, Mary Williams. We've been selling apples and peaches over seventy-five years, I guess.

Eddie Williams