21 quotes about participant follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

She wasn't afraid. She was a participant. Her conduct before, during and after tells you she was.

Becky Doherty

Everybody feels like they're a part of it. They know, 'I'm supposed to wear white to games, to arrive early and stay late.' It makes them an active participant. It gives us an incredible home-court advantage.

Michael Mccullough

Giving some poor fellow three days to live -- that made me a participant. I made it very clear after that: I want nothing more to do with any hostage tapes. Any that you give me will not see the light of day.

Michael Ware

Even though we feel confident that the shipment did not originate from Tyson, there is no question that every participant in the industry is going to suffer from guilt from association.

Leonard Teitelbaum

Of course, since my Dad was an extremely successful pro bowler, I was drawn to the sport and was quite an avid participant. In 1978, soon after graduating from college, I became part of the family business. I've certainly enjoyed it.

Mike Bluth

We hope to announce, in the next few weeks, the identity of the next spaceflight participant.

Stacey Tearne

The truth is, when a plan participant needs information about where their account balance is, they are going to come back to the employer. And they are going to expect the employer to know where to find their account balance.

Sandra Parks

I always have searched for a point of view that a participant could change.

Robert Rauschenberg

The US has to be an active participant from the very beginning.

Joel Wit

In every charge, in every count, she was an active participant in the sexual assault of these children. Even after her husband was arrested (on domestic violence charges), she never came forward and said anything about the sexual assaults by her husband.

David Lamb

These tapes clearly show this defendant was an active participant, he was al-Moayad's confidant.

Kelly Moore

If you can shoot a bow you can come. We're really trying to get youth involved in outdoor activities. For the little kids, we've thought about giving little medallions to each participant to keep them interested.

Craig Lawrence

One of the things that amazed me about Mrs. King was ... how much of a participant she was in every aspect of [her husband's] work while he was alive and how remarkably she picked up the mantle when he was assassinated.

Digby Diehl

The consumer has to be an active participant in planning for their future. You need to work with the financial planner so he or she can educate you in the process.

Noel Maye

Every major participant in this industry is taking a strong look at Seagram.

Kurt Billick

She was an unwitting participant.

Martha Roberts

I do not want to promise but I do not think I will be an active participant in the present election campaign.

Aryeh Deri

China is an active participant in and staunch supporter for the regional cooperation in Asia.

Li Zhaoxing

The world oil market is very competitive and it is not clear what advantages cooperation could bring, particularly to the Chinese side since they are a much larger participant in the market.

Nicholas Lardy

They had a case they wanted to make; this was a minor participant, ... This seems like a pretty reasonable, not extraordinary action.

William Lawler

Some of Europe's formerly nationally owned companies, like EDF, have benefited from favorable rules that made it harder for competitors. The actions of one big participant like this tend to serve as a catalyst.

Barry Abramson