7 quotes about paragraph follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

From the first paragraph, I was hooked. I really felt taken by his voice and the way he was writing about the Midwest, in particular.

James Still

For example, a text consists of paragraphs; a paragraph consists of sentences, a sentence consists of clauses, etc.. They are at different levels of hierarchy, or layers.

Ryuji Suzuki

There are six different things that conflict, ... And some of them are in the same paragraph.

Patrick Dougherty

The camera can photograph thought. It's better than a paragraph of sweet polemic.

Dirk Bogarde

Life's not a paragraph And death i think is no parenthesis.

E e cummings

The old labels listed the information in paragraph form so you had to fish through them to find the information you need. The old labels were OK; these will be better.

Eileen Shapiro

If a book doesn't grab me in the first chapter, I may not bother with it, ... As writers we're told that you have to catch readers in the first paragraph, but that is easier said than done.

Edwina Currie