10 quotes about overblown follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The gloom-and-doom predictions about service clubs dying are overblown. There is no way that a club like Rotary is going to go away.

Len Ruggiero

I strongly believe (the issue) is overblown.

David Liu

His reputation is overblown among Deadheads, who can be uncritically admiring.

David Gans

We continue to believe that all of the concern over the discounters' push into consumer electronics may be overblown.

Gary Balter

The injury is bad, but it's not a life-altering thing. The whole case was overblown with the racial thing.

Keith Pope

Trying to tie this in with terrorism is a little overblown because you can't communicate that kind of information over a non-secured system that goes outside the FBI anyway.

Coleen Rowley

It definitely was overblown. We don't need to talk about it other than it's in the past and guys are making plays on the ball.

Jerramy Stevens

I've mixed it up with the heavyweights, ... The big-man, little-man thing is overblown.

Rey Mysterio

There was quite a sell-off on Friday and it may have been overblown.

Michael Woolfolk

This story is one of the more overblown stories I have ever seen.

Adam Katz