19 quotes about odor follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

After the officers extinguished the fire, they detected a strong odor of gasoline and located a melted plastic bottle at the base of the burned wall, and apparent accelerants in the bottle continued to burn.

David Bauer

Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile.

Christy Mathewson

They (heated bedding products) are like Christmas lights. When they get too hot, too cold or emit an odor, it's time for new ones.

John Drengenberg

Does anybody else find it absolutely hilarious that a football coach is complaining about being lied to during the recruiting process? That's like the pig telling the skunk he has body odor.

Mike Bianchi

This is kind of a test for them to see: Is the new odor-control equipment going to work, how are things going to go? This is by no means a green light for them to go back into full operation.

Connie Patterson

He must not smell of drink or body odor and his 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' must resonate deeply.

James A. Lovell

If they put in no-odor equipment to begin with, it's a moot issue.

Bill Walters

When it comes to taste and odor, ozone is pretty much unmatched.

Michael Stone

It's a two-fold thing. It's an economic benefit and it helps to reduce odor.

Barney Roling

It just means there's no perceptible odor.

Carol Aguirre

It has been very controversial whether humans can do egocentric localization, that is, keep their head motionless and say where the spatial source of an odor is. It seems that we have this ability and that, with practice, you could become really good at it.

Noam Sobel

A few months ago we had a room that we were having some very bad odor problems with from what we suspected was probably mold.

Bob Harrington

We found our heaviest users were using it every day all over their house, whether there was an odor problem or not.

John Sebastian

When (the deputy) approached the driver, he detected an odor of alcohol. The driver had glassy eyes, slurred speech and when he exited the vehicle he was unsteady on this feet.

Debbie Carter

Wolper has a track record of standing behind assaults on the Catholic Church. This has an odor to it I don't like, which is why I'll monitor it.

William Donohue

We get a 90 to 95 percent kill ratio. That means the bacteria aren't around to munch on nutrients and give off gas, so a lot of the odor goes away.

Buzz Hoerr

Santa is a magical and cuddly man, not a fat, smelly slob. He must not smell of drink or body odor.

James A. Lovell

The only way we're going to get rid of the odor is for them to get everything out of there.

Cliff Wilson

When they walked up to it there was a heavy odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle.

Darrell Debusk