13 quotes about negotiators follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The negotiators did a good job, but we have a lot further to go.

Hubert H. Humphrey

Negotiators need to keep the focus on the biggest issues that are clogging up the works. At the top of this list is market access for agriculture.

Charles E. Grassley

The negotiators couldn't get a response out of him.

Jon Chilcoate

Biggest misconception about hostage negotiators is that we're great talkers, when really we're good listeners.

Christopher Curtis

Social Security should not be a resource for negotiators over the federal budget deficit.

William Novelli

The reason negotiators can be so important is simply because as an entry team we have to feed off the negotiators for what we can't see and don't know.

Seth Herman

I do know that he has been talking to negotiators.

Vickie Warehime

The challenge for U.S. negotiators will be to determine what is a continuing negotiation and what is a stall, ... and the stakes are high.

Pamela Falk

Progress has been slow but there has been progress. Negotiators are meeting around the clock.

Wade Blaufuss

GAM is very disappointed that our negotiators have not been released as promised.

Bakhtiar Abdullah

SWAT negotiators talked to him about an hour.

Tom Streicher

Information is a negotiator's greatest weapon.

Victor Kiam

Our negotiators worked aggressively for more than two years, ... Now the most important people involved in these negotiations, our members, will have the final say.

Tom Buffenbarger