8 quotes about memorials follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We don't know when or where we will die. (Roadside memorials) are places where we can go and pay respect.

Juanita Garza

At one of the memorials, I promised [Zach] I was going to go win this for her. It was a big motivational thing.

Calvin Cardillo

The age of Lincoln and Jefferson memorials is over. It will be presidential libraries from now on.

Ada Louise Huxtable

We do not have any government funds. We operate strictly on the proceeds of our clients and memorials and donations.

Alberta Stima

The Vietnam and Korean memorials make us feel the human effort, sacrifice and loss, ... Instead here, we will encounter acres of stark granite, water and an eternal flame.

Scott Feldman

This has changed with the proliferation of roadside memorials which localize and personalize the road dead.

Jennifer Clark

We were able – much like a newspaper would – to respond immediately. We were one of the featured memorials on Yahoo.

Stuart Miller

It was definitely one of their goals to bring home Memorial's first national championship. They had heard all about the accomplishments of Victoria High, so they wanted to bring it home for Memorial.

Denise Neel