6 quotes about madder follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we just make God madder and madder.

Matt Groening

It seems that it is madder never to abandon one's self than often to be infatuated; better to be wounded, a captive and a slave, than always to walk in armor.

Margaret Fuller

The Root of Wild Madder.

Genghis Khan

Ambition is a lust that is never quenched, but grows more inflamed and madder by enjoyment.

Thomas Otway

I was out here that day, madder than a hornet.

Katie Ballard

My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!

Lee Ryan