10 quotes about looser follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You know it's hard to run it into the end zone when you're down from the 6 to about the 2. It's nice to run it in from 10 to 15 because the defense is looser.

Al Johnson

We were much looser. I love the Latin dance, it's my favorite program and to skate like that was fantastic.

Benjamin Agosto

The trouser is looser but it's tailored and has a flat front so it doesn't look frumpy, so kids will like it.

Atoosa Rubenstein

Imagining playing the guitar is a slightly looser thing than playing it. You can hear more things sometimes. The fingers of your imagination aren't quite as hidebound as your real fingers.

Richard Thompson

We were a little too tight at the end and couldn't get the fresh air we needed. I was hoping he might be little looser and chase up the track.

Kyle Busch

Well, we think for those people who expect that the Bank of Japan will adopt a looser stance, they're going to be disappointed. All the indications we've seen so far coming out the central bank is that they are going to keep things exactly where they are.

Jeremy Hawkins

He's better than he was last year. He's pacing the turns better. Last year he was green, and you couldn't hustle him around the turns. We've let his hobbles out and his head poles are looser. He seems to be going better.

Mark Silva

Our procedures are looser than they can be, ... and maybe it's appropriate to review it.

Steve Moore

All these codes everywhere, they're not getting any looser. They're getting more strict every day.

Scott Jeffrey

This was our goal. Anything after this we consider gravy. We'll be able to go out looser than we were tonight.

Scott Ubbenga