43 quotes about layering follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The [KT] layer is thought to be the fallout from the fireball.

Lawrence Grossman

ALP has a lot of architectural difference from the traditional Palm OS. However, one of the things we have kept to make sure ecosystems aren't stranded is an emulation layer, so Palm OS Garnet applications that are well behaved will run on emulation on ALP.

Albert Chu

This new layer turns every distributor into yet another owner.

James Love

Its dedicated Ethernet. The POPs are held together by native, Layer 2, dedicated Ethernet.

Alan Davis

This is the idea of the read/write Web, ... The Web is there for you and me to annotate it, share it with our friends, share it with our business associates, to add a layer of insight and personal understanding.

Whit Andrews

By mounding the beds, you get more soil surface and you can layer the plants.

Rose Baglia

The characters are built up of layers and layers. We're just adding our own layer.

Alex Kahn

We applaud anything that will give law enforcement an extra layer in tracking offenders, ... It will allow us to know unequivocally what they're doing.

Jennifer Johnson

Layering debt on the operation of the Hall of Fame was something we were absolutely committed not to do.

John Tate

The addition of strings and keyboard percussion was yet another layer added there that seemed to really enhance the drama of the speech.

Colin Tribby

It's another layer of proofreading. It's two more sets of eyes to see what we are doing.

Pete Kendall

We kept painfully layering on more technology at the end of the year as prices got worse and worse.

Dan Barker

Now there's another layer of management that has to approve things. We'll just have to hope Home Depot will be the good corporate citizen that Hughes has been.

Brian Butler

We feel this is an extra layer of regulation which is unnecessary.

David Pringle

The double layer of fees annoy people, and, coupled with underperformance, there was a more compelling reason to exit funds of funds.

Vladimir Belinsky

With so much happening in our society, that was an additional safety net we needed. It just gives us another layer of protection.

David Snowden

It's another effective layer of security which is relatively cheap.

George Naccara

A brick layer, lays bricks... I'm an Actor, that's what I do.

Michael Chiklis

It adds a layer of needed sophistication to the league.

Keith Pelley

No one wants to deal with costs. No one wants to deal with the uninsured. So each layer of government keeps pushing down the problems.

Adam Searing

They're doing the last of the paving ... the final layer of asphalt.

Joe Blankenship

We need a few skates to get the virgin layer off.

Dave Allison

Air is the best insulator, and the layers you add each add a layer of air, which is very helpful in conserving heat.

Russell Pate

So I'm going to go on and work on preserving the ozone layer, encouraging everyone to recycle.

Dean Stockwell

This is a thin layer.

Dejarvis Leonard

One layer was certainly 17th century. The 18th century in him is obvious. There was the 19th century, and a large slice, of course, of the 20th century; and another, curious layer which may possibly have been the 21st.

Clement Attlee

We layer in our next 30 best ideas for those investors who want more diversification.

Jim Mccall

An attempt to provide a layer of protection for housing that is quickly going to be extinct. It's a recognition that a balance needs to be achieved.

Jan Perry

I just keep adding another layer of security to try and stop them. It may come down to me getting a bank vault.

Larry Cowan

It damaged what is called the structure course. It's a base course, not the top layer.

Steve Homan

Now this is the fourth layer.

Renzo Piano

We always joke he has the warmest room in the house with that extra layer of insulation on the wall.

Dan Stumpe

What we saw was that there was still a layer of muck everywhere, and that some of it is still contaminated.

John Trefry

Also that mucosal layer does not have the thick keratin (skin) that the outside skin of the foreskin has.

Oliver Laeyendecker

It's yet another layer of environmental impact that offshore oil exploration involves. From cradle to grave, oil and gas hits the environment.

Michael Jasny

They're not holes in the ozone layer. They're just holes in the model.

Darlene Bailey

At Oxy, the assets are worth more because you don't have to add that layer of risk-taking.

Duane Grubert

It adds a layer of knowledge and exposure to the school's general education that a lot of schools don't have. Issues about environmental sustainability are dealt with at a more sophisticated level.

Matthew Bell

I am for the purchase of 78 vehicles. I question by we added another layer of purchasing.

Ralph Riggs

We continue to layer functionality on top of what's already there.

Brian Wirth

The main thing that's left is a whole lot more distrust and an extra layer of regulation, which is not what they intended.

Nancy Rapoport

Because this is digging deep into their data, we had to build a security layer around it.

Bob Vogel

This is a precautionary measure. It adds another layer of service.

Fred Allen