12 quotes about groundbreaking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This is really groundbreaking. We were very surprised by this data.

Frank Sacks

I really think this is groundbreaking. We're trying to change the culture of high school.

Cheri Yecke

We don't anticipate any sort of groundbreaking until well into 2007.

Judy Pedersen

It's groundbreaking in terms of the relief that this committee granted.

Robert Hager

This is really groundbreaking research, ... There has been almost no research on artificial gravity in space and none concerning martian gravity.

Robert Zubrin

There's been a half dozen Ebola outbreaks in the world -- ever recorded -- so everything you do is groundbreaking.

Scott Dowell

[Groundbreaking is a] visible expression of our commitment, ... It does have a psychological benefit that Scripps is real, it is going to be here.

Mary Mccarty

The bill may be a little ahead of its time, but I think it prevents some very onerous activity. It is groundbreaking.

Rep. Scott Suder

It was a groundbreaking work in that he basically, in this culture, in this day and age, showed that there were scientific answers to be able to defend the Christian faith and uphold the Bible's account.

Ken Ham

This would be a groundbreaking step.

Makoto Haga

We've got our gold-plated shovels shined and ready for the groundbreaking.

Bob Consalvo

We're getting close. We hope to wind up the campaign before the groundbreaking in May.

Ruth Pratt