15 quotes about fried follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

What can I say? Americans love fried chicken.

Harry Balzer

She can eat more things. But she has to take care of things like spicy, fried food.

Oleg Vasiliev

I love eggs fried over medium.

Slick Rick

He claims it's the fried food over here.

David Chadd

One lady came in for fried Twinkies every day for two weeks.

John Jarvis

Deep-fried foods probably shouldn't be served in hospitals in the first place, but foods high in trans fat should certainly be excluded.

Carlos Camargo

Here it seems like everything is deep fried and somehow not very organic at all. You eat it because it's so cheap, and after you eat it, you feel sick.

Hanna Salonen

It's about how to make the best meat loaf or fried chicken or macaroni and cheese. It's about brilliant simple cooking, really.

Tyler Florence

I've had deep fried Oreos and deep fried twinkies, but I've never had one of these giant things.

Buddy Jewell

My brain's fried. That series wasn't even fun to watch. Coming out with a tie is pretty good.

Stephen Peck

We filleted our fish and fried them.

Kathy Burke

Next to fried foods, the South has suffered most from oratory.

Brooks Hays

Who fried this boy's brain? The state of Texas did.

Kathryn Kase

Breakfast. Eggs over easy, bacon, fried potatoes, no grits.

Frankie Bones

You can't beat Cajun fried trout. Man, they were good!

Kathy Burke