26 quotes about forcing follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We're just forcing retailers to make more money.

Daniel Goldstein

We've added a couple different ideas because of what defenses are forcing us to do. Things haven't changed much. We're 75% Green Bay and maybe 25% new.

Jim Lind

Forcing the parties to compromise.

Abraham H. Foxman

I thought we did a good job of forcing turnovers and taking advantage of them.

Dr. Mike Wells

The idea is not to increase intensity, but to challenge your body by forcing it to recover more quickly.

Dino Novak

I feel like we did a good job of forcing turnovers and getting easy baskets.

Brett Graham

They are forcing out experienced controllers. They are not giving us a reason to stay.

Pat Mccormick

We did a good job well from 3s. They did a good job of blocking us out and forcing us into plays we didn't want to make.

Aaron Bruce

This cost squeeze right now is really forcing a lot of companies to re-evaluate and consolidate on a North American or global basis.

Jay Myers

Cole and John did a great job forcing the turnover for us.

Tony Cordani

We weren't moving and were letting the shot clock go down too low and when we finally got somebody open, we were forcing things and they didn't go down for us.

Jodi Bolerjack

He's not forcing the issue or pulling the trigger.

Francisco Montana

Forcing people not to panhandle is taking away their rights. It's not American.

William Fox

Liana is really starting to understand the concept of taking what she can get and not forcing it.

Bob Podges

This is weighing on our profitability which is forcing us to improve more rapidly our cost structure.

Michel Combes

You're forcing it into the creek, ... Leave the creek alone -- it's already got problems.

Michael Cox

They were forcing us to make a choice that was the equivalent of a college major declaration in the 9th grade.

Jim Gearing

It's an all-volunteer force. There is no draft. We aren't forcing anyone into the military. We are giving options.

Daniel Harris

We have witnesses who actually heard Mr. Yun arguing with his daughter in Korean and then forcing her into the car right before it erupted in flames.

Grace Brady

Business near-term will get worse, forcing companies to combine to save money.

Andy Neff

A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.

Frank Zappa

Defense was the key for us tonight. It's what Bulldog basketball is all about...getting in their face and forcing mistakes.

Craig Swanson

She wants to play. No one's forcing her.

Nick Bollettieri

He's trying to dictate the terms of his departure. He's trying to get around the election law by forcing parliament to open.

Korn Chatikavanij

I feel forcing these girls to go through pregnancy would have been a second assault on them.

Marcelle Furrow

We do not agree with forcing consolidation. One path they're going down with this report is following the electricity (industry).

Ed Houghton