24 quotes about ethanol follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Ethanol wasn't being absorbed fast enough.

Mark Lambert

The lack of ethanol is one of the problems, and geopolitical unrest is another.

Pam Maiolo

Most of the time, ethanol-blended fuel is usually a couple of cents or as much as five cents to eight cents less.

Ron Lamberty

We lessen our dependency on foreign oil with every kernel of corn transformed to ethanol.

Rep. Cory Gardner

You can't mix ethanol in gasoline and ship it in a pipeline. The ethanol will corrode the pipe.

David Cowley

We will be converting to ethanol-based products at our retail locations in this area starting in mid-April.

Gerald Davis

The government, the people concerned with the environment, they want that ethanol in there.

Alexa Gromko

We are continuing to pump out ethanol and that's the good news.

Mark Lambert

It's another pro-ethanol paper. There's several things I have problems with.

David Pimentel

Corn is an OK source for ethanol. But if you really want to hit a homerun, you need to go to cellulose.

Daniel Kammen

When you look at the amount of ethanol that wineries are accountable for, and for the amount of emissions — it's a very small fraction.

Wendell Lee

When you're looking at ethanol versus gasoline, the two of them burn differently in an engine.

George Oerther

The old blend of fuel we cannot mix with the ethanol. So at the stations, we have to run our volume all the way down as low as we can before we get a new delivery of the blended fuel with ethanol.

Rick Chambers

By our reckoning, ethanol has added about 20 cents a gallon to the cost of gasoline here in California.

Charles Langley

No one planned on how to get the ethanol into the city and be distributed.

Jim Hay

Managing risk is what running an ethanol business successfully is all about.

Neill Mckinstray

I know that China is looking at ethanol and I think India is looking at it.

Rick Eggebrecht

This is a bipartisan effort to support ethanol. President Bush said we're addicted to oil. He's right.

Sen. David Langhorst

We are in a pretty good position as far as ethanol here. We use so little of it in the summer.

David Cowley

The future of ethanol is still corn.

Mark Lambert

[Corn-derived ethanol] collects too little energy for all the investments of energy we have to use to produce it.

David Pimentel

The ethanol lobby is doing a very good job of pulling a fast one on the American consuming public.

Michael Economides

We're going to see a rapid growth in production and use of ethanol.

Brian Jennings

We began to blend increasing quantities of ethanol in our gasoline pool.

Eduardo Carvalho