8 quotes about demise follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We couldn't believe the irony, that we were watching our own demise on TV-it was post-postmodern.

Alexandra Jacobs

Reform of the courts, a return to democracy and the demise of the 'crooks' currently running the country.

Imran Khan

My compassion has led to my own demise. I guess the solution is that I don't rely on funds until I get them.

Heather Turner

They didn't find any evidence of her demise.

Terrance Gainer

Rumors of our demise were obviously grossly exaggerated.

Goldy Hyder

If they find more, it could be there demise.

Denise Valentine

[The 12th hole actually has two lakes.] You could easily meet demise on this hole, ... Waterloo.

Patrick Anderson

Will die a premature and unfortunate demise.

Aquilino Pimentel