23 quotes about courtroom follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

In the courtroom of the conscience, a case is always in progress.

Dutch Proverb

Haldeman is the only man in America in this generation who let his hair grow for a courtroom appearance.

Mary Mcgrory

She can't sit in the courtroom. She's very emotional. It's hard for her, and we just want this to end.

Bob Dziadik

We want our kids on the basketball court and not in the courtroom.

Tim Tuten

How do you know the defendant lied? Well, because the defendant admitted it here in the courtroom.

David Raskin

We lost the battle of spin, but we won the battle in the courtroom.

Tom Mesereau

One of the things she really likes, whether we like it or not, is in the courtroom she has a certain amount of control. And that control is something that she craves.

Paul Sequeira

There are types of criminal cases that do transcend the courtroom, and this is one of them.

Robert Rigg

Lawyers can't just get off a plane and walk with their briefcases into the courtroom.

Peter Andersen

He [Arrington] said, 'I've got one, too,' ... This man makes a mockery of his courtroom.

Robert Rose

I have the highest respect for her in and out of the courtroom. Her word is her bond.

Howard Hamilton

Mr. Padilla is being treated as any American citizen. This case should be tried in a public courtroom, and will be tried in a public courtroom.

Andrew Patel

His intent is to stop the extradition and have me charged under Canadian law in a Canadian courtroom.

Marc Emery

He had to have someone he trusted in the courtroom with him.

Henry Morgan

What can we say? What can we do? How many times can you stand in a courtroom beside an innocent man who has been convicted?

Katharine Liell

I think he should try his cases in the courtroom and not in the media.

Robert Daskas

The person I heard in the courtroom was not the real Dennis.

Michael Clark

Their presence in the courtroom was just fantastic.

Vladimir Mijanovic

He doesn't want to be in the courtroom, he wants to be on the ice.

Tim Danson

We're going to try this case in the courtroom.

Mark Rush

You remind me of lawyers who appear in my courtroom.

David Dowd

I sat in that courtroom for six months, and I did everything possible to advocate for his cause.

Audrey Lewis

We're focusing on competing in the marketplace, not the courtroom.

Eric Kraus