17 quotes about compromised follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

This even staggered us. Online institutions now have to assume that the account holder may have been compromised.

Alex Eckelberry

No one's health is going to be compromised by choosing inorganic.

Katherine Tallmadge

Clearly the scientific credibility of Korean investigators has been compromised.

John Gearhart

One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

Chinua Achebe

Today, anyone's identity can be easily compromised.

Bill Willis

We don't believe any passenger information has been compromised.

Amy Von Walter

The health of the animal is always a question. In this case, we want to make sure that the health would not be compromised through this arrangement.

Charles Crosby

We wanted to make sure we're not compromised by a trade agreement. We're not at the table.

Chris Warner

I don't think that you should have to wait until after your identity has been compromised to do something.

Robert Siciliano

There is no evidence in this case that the ballots were ever compromised. And if the ballots weren't compromised, the election wasn't compromised.

Barry Richard

It (the relationship) crossed the line and compromised security.

Lee Haney

We certainly didn't want Sarah racing if her preparation has been compromised.

Michael Flynn

Both the US and China have compromised in reaching this textile pact.

Sun Huaibin

If that's compromised, that could be a problem for her.

John Maginnis

I think if we go down this line of attack, all our decisions as a board will be compromised.

Jim Fox

We want to make sure the vessel was not compromised when it was sitting on the beach.

Jim Butler

We have notified some card customers that their information may have been compromised.

Betty Riess