22 quotes about beats follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Good luck beats early rising.

Irish Proverb

I guess it beats bagging groceries at the corner store.

Lisa Simpson

I think it beats them all. This is the best feeling a father can have.

Steve Kinser

Until somebody beats them, they're the one. They have been for three or four years now.

Richard Mathis

Nothing beats a failure but a try.

Pauletta Vaughn

This tunnel beats them all.

Michael Unzueta

This beats Melissa hands down.

Peter Tibbett

She hits me and she beats me and she drinks. My mom is an alcoholic.

Tonya Harding

Everyone always talks about this. Every cultural group beats at it.

Jason Sanders

Wildly my mind beats against you, yet my soul obeys.

Phantom Of The Opera

The legacy of the beats is still very much with us.

Anthony Bliss

If anybody beats us two out of three, I'll take my hat off to them.

Kasey Kiker

It beats the heck out of what was there.

Victor Perez

She said there wasn't much competition, ... So Kaye and I said we don't care who beats her, but one of us better beat her.

Brandon Hill

Why police took 24 hours almost to get in touch with us beats me.

Ray Martin

Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.

Terry Pratchett

It allowed me to explore beats of the play in an academic environment where there is a lot of feedback.

Thomas Jane

Anything beats practicing in a gym right now.

Carl Tebon

Whoever beats dogs loves not man.


The notion is that prevention beats therapy.

Dr. William Schaffner

This certain beats even the most optimistic forecasts.

Michael Woolfolk

Any country that beats out No. 1 guy twice deserves to win.

Martin Laurendeau