23 quotes about acted follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The MPC has acted early and aggressively.

Jonathan Loynes

We were very disappointed in the way we played. We were very disappointed in how we acted.

Brad Harris

I didn't think he acted appropriately. Still don't.

Alan Levin

If they had acted fast there was a chance to win our hearts and minds, but they are losing that chance.

Imtiaz Ahmed

We continue to believe we acted responsibly.

Cynthia Smith

What is worst about America was acted out. What is best in America doesn't export.

Robert Stone

I think we acted on the best information that we had.

Dave Lewis

MAGNET, n. Something acted upon by magnetism.

Ambrose Bierce

Acted in bad faith.

Lorenzo Meyer

Officer Price is cleared and acted appropriately.

Keith Henderson

Acted like a chimney.

Robert A. Ward

Publicly acted as judge, jury and executioner.

Beth Holloway Twitty

Some nights he's acted like he didn't care that much.

Larry Miller

We were struck by how quickly people acted.

Julie Summersgill

I've never acted with someone who I knew so well before I started.

Peter Sarsgaard

We acted in accordance with European Union decisions.

Gabriel Predoi

I think we acted in a proper way.

Hans Holthuis

No one else has shown any symptoms. We believe we have acted quickly.

Fred Peters

We acted according to the highest principles.

Peter Demott

None of them knew a thing about what they were talking about, but every one of them acted like they knew it all ... knew it all.

Bruce Hagerman

He acted like he'd been there before. He was phenomenal.

Kevin Curtis

I think investors are asking why the Fed acted so quickly and so decisively.

Elvis Picardo

He acted honorably, as far as I'm concerned.

Elbert Hatchett