This album is more user-friendly and easier for people to see it, ... We made the picture simpler and clearer.

For the last record, the main people who got it were either musicians or people who were into music, ... This time I wanted to make a record that my mom could listen to when she cleans house.

It's just really nice when more people listen to your music and like you, and there's nothing greater than playing a show and having the audience know your songs, ... And for practical reasons, I want to play our stuff more and provide better conditions for my band and us, and buy more instruments.

We're still pretty funny but we realized that when things are too funny out front, people don't get through to the serious core, ... We wanted to show the other side.

There was an element of not being taken seriously. When something new is coming into the world, people are skeptical, ... To some people, it was just a Japanese girl singing about food, and we could tell that some people doubted us.