I only see us getting better and better every week.

I took this brick and I tried to get in there to help her out.

It's a good result. It's what we aim for all the time. It's our main function as well as taking in all the stray cats and dogs of Plymouth.

Donna's been in our district before. We always try to play those guys, because it's just good competition. Overall, we knew this wouldn't change much for us. For us, it's the same tough district as it was before.

We discovered we have a quarterback who can run.

Somewhat afraid to do their jobs -- afraid to touch people and by the nature of our job we have to touch people. It's scary.

I've been here 15 years, and I've never known anything to hit us this bad.

I am so pleased with the effort our kids gave against St. Laurence. To play a program like that a tough program with all the tradition they have, as well as we did, is really a big step for us. It boosted our confidence tremendously.

Many of Britain's towns and cities are falling victim to drunk and disorderly behavior at the weekend. We believe that these ads will reinforce the message that the police now have increased powers to deal with this sort of anti-social behavior.